
2009: Ph.D. in Linguistics in the Cognitive Science and Language programme
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB), Spain.
On definiteness and the co-occurrence of the definite article with other determiners in Modern Greek.
Advisors: Louise McNally (Universitat Pompeu Fabra) and Josep Maria Brucart (UAB)

2006: M.A. (DEA) in General Linguistics in the Cognitive Science and Language programme
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain.
Not just any principle. On the Principle of Compositionality, any as a counterexample to it, and an indefinite analysis of any and Greek Free Choice Items.
Advisor: Josep Macia (Universitat de Barcelona)

2004: B.A. (Ptychion) in Greek Philology, specialization in Linguistics
Department of Philology, Philosophy School, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece


May 2024-April 2026: Principal Investigator at the project “Investigating generics across languages: a toolkit”, British Academy/Leverhulme Trust Small Research Grant, University of Cambridge (co-Is: M. Husband, S. Lima, £9996)

February-October 2024: Principal Investigator at the project “Developing a toolkit to investigate generics cross-linguistically”, Annual Adventures in Research Grant, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, UEA (pump-priming funding, £1404).

October 2022-now: Named Senior Research Associate at the Thyssen funded project “Experimental argument analysis: Reasoning with stereotypes” (PI: Eugen Fischer, Co-I: Paul Engelhardt)

May 2014-January 2015: Named Postdoctoral Research Associate at the British Academy funded project ‘Learning about the world through generic statements: a cross-linguistic perspective’ awarded to Napoleon Katsos and Linnaea Stockall

March 2005-December 2008: Fellowship FI-IQUC by the Agència de Gestió d’Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca (AGAUR, Agency for the Management of University Grants for Research) of the Catalan government. Fellowship awarded to international students for postgraduate and doctoral studies in programs that have received Mención de calidad (Quality Mention) and renewed every year after successful reports of the tutor, Barcelona, Spain.

October 2002-March 2003: Six-month fellowship Erasmus-Socrates at the Department of Translation and Interpretation of the Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain.

Download my CV here.